Diane '81 and Craig '80 Holmes Making Trust Plans to Benefit Michigan Tech

Choosing to make Michigan Tech a beneficiary of your estate is a great way
to support the University without changing your day-to-day finances. There
are many vehicles that allow flexibility for you to make a planned gift to
benefit Tech.
Diane (Bier) and Craig Holmes recently settled on a specific way to give to
Tech after realizing the original plans for their trust were difficult to
implement. They chose to make Michigan Tech the beneficiary of their
primary residence through a Lady Bird deed.
"Your trust is only as good as the ability to execute it in the time frame
and manner that you have planned in your mind," they said. "Segregating our
property from our other assets turned out to be an easy way to accomplish
what we were looking to do in terms of execution and simplification."
Diane '81 and Craig '80 each earned a Bachelor of Science in Civil
Engineering at Tech. Their substantial gift will primarily support
scholarships within the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.
Other parts of their gift will benefit the University's Husky Emergency
Assistance Fund and CEE's involvement in intercollegiate competitions such
as Concrete Canoe.
Diane, whose father is a Tech alumnus, began attending summer youth
programs at MTU while in high school. She began her career designing
railroad bridges but found herself working in technical sales and marketing
in the field of environmental groundwater and soil remediation.
"The impact of Tech started on day one," she said. "Being a woman in a
male-oriented field, I felt full acceptance at Tech, and it taught me how
to think things through. Even when I was in technical sales and marketing,
I never stopped being an engineer."
Craig, who grew up near Lansing, Michigan, credited his high school physics
teacher for pointing him to Houghton. Once on campus, he knew that the
remoteness of Houghton would allow him to work hard as a student. Craig
spent his entire career working in risk management/risk mitigation and
control, culminating with starting his own company in 2004. He was inducted
into the CEE Academy in 2019.
"Tech provided me a credential that was never questioned," he said. "Within
my field, Michigan Tech was known. Not everybody had that. My background at
Tech helped me understand the technical concepts I needed to know to bear
down and solve problems."
Both retired, Diane and Craig hope to give others the same solid foundation
they had through their Michigan Tech education.
"With all that's going on in the world right now, it was a good opportunity
to take stock in what matters," they said. "There's no organization that's
given more to us and no other place that can do the amount of good in one
fell swoop as Tech."
The planned gift is just one part of Diane and Craig's contribution to
Michigan Tech. They helped MTU with development of its original FEMA All
Hazards Mitigation Plan. More recently, they've been active in trying to
draw CEE Academy members back to campus for mentoring and other activities.
"Science and engineering are where the future is," they said. "Tech
graduates have an automatic grasp of leadership and the need for it.
Someone has to take charge and get to work solving problems."